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contexte › island bay ressemble à n’importe quelle petite ville côtière de nouvelle-zélande, mais il n’en est rien. en bordure de wellington, à une trentaine de minutes en voiture, se trouve un parfait petit endroit où se mélangent étroites maisons en location et grandes villas de propriétaires fortunés. c’est un endroit où il fait bon vivre, du moins d’apparence, puisque comme on sait, l’herbe semble toujours plus verte de l’autre côté de la clôture. tous les habitants d'island bay se sentent ici comme à la maison, en quelque sorte. mais n’en est-il pas autrement de leurs voisins ?
oct. 2024
8° - 17° // températures stables, mais vent à venir
initiales interdites. › personnages inventés de 25 ans minimum. › 3 ans de différence entre l'avatar et l'âge du personnage. › 15 lignes minimum par rp › un rp par mois.

elles ont partagé une relation amoureuse il y a quelques années
et aujourd'hui elles sont toujours en contact et sont mêmes devenues confidentes

vous n'avez pas envie d'être seul(e) ? La famille atkins-gallagher recherche les enfants de la fratrie
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 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after

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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 18:26

Merci les gens (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2714159224
@brooke fletcher t'inquiète, je gère (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3843194614
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 18:52

Re-welcome à toi (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 843031823
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Nina Baranovski
Nina Baranovski
(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_oyyof5haSE1rifr4k_540
○ âge : 27 ans et toutes ses dents (le 6 février 1997)
○ statut : J'crois qu'elle est foutue : elle est complètement mordue du gars aux yeux vairons. ça se soigne docteur ?
○ métier : Opératrice au centre d'appel des urgences depuis février 2020. Assure tout de même encore quelques gardes de baby-sitting
○ quartier : Au 26 sur North Bay, dans une maison. En recherche de coloc ou d'un nouveau logement parce que ça va commencer à lui devenir trop cher
○ orientation sexuelle : Hétérosexuelle. Plus précisément, Nathasxuelle
○ informations en vrac : A tourné dans une pub pour dentifrice fin 2021 et a trouvé ça génial ► Elle a retrouvé son père en février 2017, Rhett Sawyers ► Elle a découvert qu'elle avait des cousins et une cousine en ville ► Sa mère est morte d'une overdose en septembre 2015 ► Elle a deux tatouages ► Elle vient de reprendre ses études ► Elle a un TDAH ► Elle dort seulement cinq heures par jour ► Avant, elle terminait souvent le mois avec peu d'argent sur le compte, un ou deux dollars. Grâce à l'aide de Carson, elle a soldé les dettes de sa mère et ça va bien mieux maintenant ► Elle est pas très viande ► Allergique au citron et à l'arachide. Elle s'est retrouvée hospitalisée à cause d'un choc anaphylactique et a bien failli y rester ► Elle joue une fois par mois à un jeu de gratte-gratte. Elle gagne, de temps à autre, mais des sommes inférieures à dix dollars la plupart du temps ► Elle aime bien les jolies petites choses. Et tout ce qui est bling-bling ► Elle a déménagé sur East Bay avec son meilleur pote en juillet 2017 ► Elle aime bien écouter de la musique japonaise. Elle a grandi avec les manga One Piece, Bleach et Naruto. Elle adore les OST desdits animés d'ailleurs ► Elle aime bien regarder des séries en streaming. Elle suit de très près deux séries en particulier : Game of Thrones et The Walking Dead. Elle en regarde d'autres également mais ne peut pas non plus toutes les lister. Elle trouve que la série 2 Broke Girls lui correspond plutôt bien d'ailleurs ► Côté films, les deux trilogies de Peter Jackson arrivent en tête, et ensuite les Star Wars. Elle guette les annonces de recherche de figurants et se dit que ça pourrait l'aider si jamais elle arrive à obtenir un rôle

○ posts : 4825
○ points : 100
○ pseudo : Nao'
○ avatar : Katherine McNamara
○ DC : Nova + Caitlin
○ crédits : Avatar by nao', Sign by miss pie
○ inscrit le : 07/09/2016

MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 19:32

Re à toi ^^

another day
Ruby. ▬ If you believed in my eyes
We would've had another day
And you just see me inside
I swear we would have another day
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 19:47

A MOI A MOI A MOI A MOI A MOI MOIMOIMOI (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - 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Page 2 1602870239 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2429345944

T'es parfaite mais ça tu l'sais déjà, aussi bonne qu'une glace à la menthe ! J'aime ce que tu as rajouté POUR MOI TOUT EST BON PARFAIT !!!! VALIDEZ LA MOI QUE JE LUI FASSE VIVRE UN ENFER !!! Bon à présent moi je veux mon combat dans la boue avec @Reid Bane-Levy (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4164965148 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4164965148 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4164965148 je veux de l'action, battez-vous pour moi (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3918401654 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3918401654 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3918401654 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3918401654 le premier qui dit que j'en vaux pas la peine, bah je sors le fouet (@Augustus Fletcher me ressort par que les chevilles enflent (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339 )
&& @Maggie Weasley moi je dirais qu'elle ne peut juste pas se passer de moi  (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816

ma pouliche d'amour je te souhaite rebienvenue et vivement qu'on attaque (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2573357129
(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 Giphy
(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 843031823 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 843031823 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 843031823 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 843031823

&@Sean Sawyers prem's (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2397939694  y en a qui bosse, fais gaffe ou je te ramène la fraise :emo:
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 19:52

bravo, tu es validé(e)

○ bon, je vous retiens pas plus longtemps car je sais que vous attendez que ça de vous sauter dessus pour vous câliner ou plutôt pour vous lancer des injures ? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2139827335 j'entends déjà reid parler dans ses moustaches de prépubère (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 en tout cas, si abby a besoin de bras d'un ami pour la consoler, sean est là (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2102931439 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3497041440

C'est le moment de profiter de ton installation sur le forum (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1965479019 Pour se faire, tu peux déjà commencer à recenser ton métier, ton logement, ton prénom et ton nom, ainsi que créer ta fiche de liens pour élargir ton réseau de connaissances (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 902541242 Et si tu as peur de ne pas réussir à t'intégrer, tu peux toujours venir flâner dans la partie intégration où de nombreuses animations sont proposées notamment la loterie rp (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 838751658 Et si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, sache que nous sommes là pour te venir en aide (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2102931439 Toute l'équipe du forum te souhaite la bienvenue sur IB (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 445914281
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 19:54

@Sean Sawyers tu gardes tes bras loin (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1295234102 puis c'est pas un prépubère (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1145111749 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4271622108 en revanche je dis pas non pour sauter sur la blonde (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 19:55

@Cade Braxton Grâce à qui que t'as une beauté pareille en ex ? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1295234102
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:00

Grâce à ma belle gueule @Sean Sawyers (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 Ok tu y es peut-être pour quelque chose et j'te signal je t'ai donné l'occaz avec Austin (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2006011667
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:27

t'enchaines les beautés ? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 449023763
rebienvenue parmi nous, ton nouveau perso m'a l'air génial (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1965479019
courage pour ta fiche (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2102931439

edit : t'es déjà validée (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2839392890
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:31

*sors la tronçonneuse (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 216521197*
mais fallait pas te presser comme ça, hein! (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4271622108 t'étais même pas obligée de venir tout court... (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4006438364 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816
naaaan, en vrai, j'suis un peu contente. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2006011667 ça promet des rps intéressants tout ça. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3497041440 j'ai hâte de me battre dans la boue avec toi (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339 mais j'te le dis tout de suite, cade est AMWA (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2471686662 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2471686662 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2839392890
(re)bienvenue parmi nous en tout cas (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 843031823

@Sean Sawyers - t'sais c'qu'il te dit le prépubère? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2006011667 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2397939694
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:40

Ou alors il a une beauté pareille en ex parce que je suis géniale et qu'il a pas pu résister (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1602870239 dites pas le contraire, vous savez que c'est vrai (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1356059144
@Cade Braxton sache que je fais ce que je veux, avec qui je veux ! T'as bien ton nain magique toi :pff: @Sean Sawyers, si Cade et Avery ils sont vilains j'te kidnappe, on ira faire des cochonneries sur une île déserte (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3565557684 (En vrai, je ferais pas ça à Avery. A Cade, si, par contre (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 792901804 )

@venus harrington ouais, j'ai fait le speedy gonzalez de la présentation (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2139827335

@Reid Bane-Levy C'est parti pour la boue, va enfiler ton bikini, j'arrive (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2102931439
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:42

Bienvenue en retard (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 792901804 très bon choix (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3567569076
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:44

L'est plutôt convainquant le nain magique pour l'instant (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1986789816 puis vas y tu tapes Sean, mais là c'est la fin des cocos (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1145111749 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1145111749 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1145111749 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 1145111749 toute façon TU PEUX PAS D'PASSER D'MOI ! Preuves tu as enfin succomber, tu pouvais pas avec la pouliche et te voilà (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339

bon j'vais chercher les pop corns moi :bave: 👼 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 188913723
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:45

nain magique? leprechaun? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339
(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 Animated-pot-of-gold-at-end-of-rainbow
j'me sens flatté (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3918401654 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2899191728

le string moule-bite est en place, j't'attends! (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 2139827335
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:50

@Reid Bane-Levy Je voyais plus un gnome, personnellement. Dans ce genre là :

@James Hammond Attention, la bave ça glisse (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 3901455339

@Cade Braxton Il a eu le temps de prendre de l'avance aussi, c'est pas juste (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 4271622108
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 2 Empty

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(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after
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