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contexte › island bay ressemble à n’importe quelle petite ville côtière de nouvelle-zélande, mais il n’en est rien. en bordure de wellington, à une trentaine de minutes en voiture, se trouve un parfait petit endroit où se mélangent étroites maisons en location et grandes villas de propriétaires fortunés. c’est un endroit où il fait bon vivre, du moins d’apparence, puisque comme on sait, l’herbe semble toujours plus verte de l’autre côté de la clôture. tous les habitants d'island bay se sentent ici comme à la maison, en quelque sorte. mais n’en est-il pas autrement de leurs voisins ?
oct. 2024
8° - 17° // températures stables, mais vent à venir
initiales interdites. › personnages inventés de 25 ans minimum. › 3 ans de différence entre l'avatar et l'âge du personnage. › 15 lignes minimum par rp › un rp par mois.

elles ont partagé une relation amoureuse il y a quelques années
et aujourd'hui elles sont toujours en contact et sont mêmes devenues confidentes

vous n'avez pas envie d'être seul(e) ? La famille atkins-gallagher recherche les enfants de la fratrie
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 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after

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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:52

du moment qu'il a une clochette, il s'ra heureux. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816 par contre, fais gaffe, je préfèrerais me battre dans la boue avec un leprechaun qu'un gnome à choisir, ça fait moins flipper. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2006011667 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2139827335
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:56

Si y a que ça, je t'achète plein de clochettes et je garde Cade, y a pas de souci (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816
Et j'm'en fiche. Même pas peur. Je suis plus vicieuse qu'un gnome, t'façon 👼
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 20:59

(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2839392890 il échangerait pas cade contre toutes les clochettes du monde. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 794295163 par contre, j'le vois bien lui en accrocher une... (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816 il serait mignon avec une petite clochette (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2839392890 (@"Cade Braxton)
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 21:09

(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 4271622108 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 4271622108 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 4271622108 et avec ceci le plumeau pendant qu'on y est ? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2006011667 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3017854521 non mais moi j'suis à ... (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2006011667
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 21:09

Ton nouveau jouet à des fantasmes étranges...
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 21:11

ah bah si tu proposes, j'dis pas non. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816
hey, fais gaffe à tes fesses (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1895332386

j'vois pas du tout de quoi tu parles abby. (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 21:15

@Reid Bane-Levy si j'suis pas à toi c'est la mort du junior (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2839392890
nah mais attend Abby, je vais lui remettre les idées en place (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2839392890 au pire moi j'vous propose un plan à trois ? (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2006011667 tout l'monde est content (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1986789816
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 21:56

(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 Large
ABBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2102931439 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 838751658 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3565557684 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 843031823 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 4164965148 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3497041440 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 794295163 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3731638184 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1501980771 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1622045146 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2238883318 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2033693939 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1159677347 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1242777542 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3567569076 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2483518822 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2941489305 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1979783398 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2841892701 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3911232200 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3551187679 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3428220980 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 82479139 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2144722954
trop contente de te voir avec ce personnage, on va pouvoir rp ensemble comme des dingues ma biche (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3812763003 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2171392816 (re) bienvenue parmi nous et j'ai dévoré ta fiche, tellement t'es parfaite :bave: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1356059144 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1049845934 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2913072852 tu déchires tout mon chat (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3918401654 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2714159224 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 133137972 j'ai hâte de te lire en rp avec cette tornade (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 188913723 :bave:

et sinon, @Sean Sawyers, j'pense qu'on va calmer ses ardeurs là (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1895332386
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 23:35

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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 23:36

fais les yeux doux, oui oui, j'ai quand même lu tout ce que tu as dit (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 3901455339 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 2955652877 (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 1298591534
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMar 25 Juil - 23:37

T'inquiète, promis, j'y toucherais pas. Juste avec les yeux mais ça fait de mal à personne ça 👼
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 EmptyMer 26 Juil - 18:55

rebienvenue parmi nous (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 843031823
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MessageSujet: Re: (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after (#)   (abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after - Page 3 Empty

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(abby) a wise woman once said "fuck this shit" and she lived happily ever after
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